YER 2024 Symposium


The YER2024 symposium took place on 11 June 2024. During this event, our senior undergraduate students presented the outcomes of their graduate projects, which they had conducted under the supervision of their thesis advisors, to a wide audience.

Industry Academy Student Meetings


The Industry-Academy-Student Meetings were held on the themes of "Responsible Mining" and "Mining and the Enviroment". with a focus on "Human-Enviroment-Social Life". The 3th Industry-Academia-Student Meetings were held on 22-23 October 2024, with a significant number of participants from the mining and geosciences sectors in attendance, along with academics and students.

About Huntite Enrichment

A study was conducted by researchers from the ITU Department of Mineral Processing Engineering on the use of huntite, a naturally occurring carbonate mineral, to improve flame retardancy in the paint industry.
Two SCIENCE articles on the catastrophic 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes Doublets, with contributions from our researchers, were published in 2024


ITU Faculty of Mines Researchers continue to unravel the mysteries of 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes.

33rd ITU Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Seminar and Exhibition


This year the ITU Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering department hosted the 33rd ITU Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Seminar and Exhibition. The event was held through the dates of June 27 – June 28, 2024 in the Faculty of Mines at Istanbul Technical University. The event started off with the opening session where we had the privilege of hosting the Rectorate of ITU, Prof. Dr. İsmail Koyuncu,  faculty dean, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kumral, and the head of the Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Prof. Dr. Ömer İnanç Türeyen.

ITU Department of Geophysical Engineering pursues the mystery of human history: Kalehisar Archaeological Investigations


Archaeological investigations at the Kalehisar site, led by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Şahin from Adnan Menderes University, have been complemented by an important geophysical near surface imaging conducted by Prof. Dr. Turgay İşseven and his team from the ITU Department of Geophysical Engineering.

Success News from Our Students


In 2024, our undergraduate students who were entitled to receive various awards as a result of their studies.

AI based Approaches in the Interpretation of Geophysical Data


In recent studies, deep learning-based methods have been explored to improve the interpretation of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data, particularly for the detection and classification of buried objects in near-surface investigations. Researchers from the Department of Geophysical Engineering including research assistant Orhan Apaydın and Prof. Dr. Turgay İşseven have tested deep-learning based methods during the interpretation of both synthetic and observed GPR data.

Research Shedding Light on the Complex Volcano System

Recent findings from a research conducted by Prof. Dr. Tuncay Taymaz, a faculty member of the Department of Geophysical Engineering, ITU Faculty of Mines, in collaboration with international partners in the Wudalianchi volcanic region of China, which is similar to the volcanoes in the Eastern Anatolia region, has provided valuable seismological insights into volcanic dynamics and volcanic hazard. Results of this research has been published in the journal Nature Communications Earth & Environment.
Evaluation of Gallium Recovery Potential from LED Lamps


Assist Prof. Ş. Beste Aydın, Research Assist. İlkyaz Nazlım Dinç from the Department of Mineral Processing Engineering investigate Gallium Recovery Potential from LED Lamps within the framework of a new project supported by the ITU Scientific Research Project Coordination Office (İTU BAP).

Journal Watch

In 2024, several prominent scientific works in the field of earth sciences from our faculty members have been published in high-quality SCI/SCI-Expanded journals, as well as in national and international conferences.
Career-Long Impact Scientists from our Faculty


Elsevier and Stanford University's annual list of the world's most influential scientists has been announced. 11 valuable professors from the Faculty of Mines in the "Annual impact" category and 11 in the "Career-long impact" category were included in the list.

A New Geophysical Fieldwork Experiment Aims at Elucidating the Depth Extent of Faults Responsible for the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ümit Avşar leads a team of researchers from ITU, Afyon Kocatepe, and Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa within the framework of a TÜBİTAK-CAS project, collecting magnetotelluric data to study fault dynamics related to the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes.


Our faculty member from the Department of Geophysical Engineering has been invited to the Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Journal.

Faculty Seminar Series


In 2024, particularly our early career researchers and engineers from the Departments of Mining, Geological, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Geophysical, and Mineral Processing Engineering, as well as researchers and engineers from all around the world, presented findings from their completed and ongoing works during the weekly organized online faculty seminars.

New Properties of the Deformed Crust Across the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ)


The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), is a tectonic structure that's really important because of the active deformation it causes in Türkiye. If we can understand how the directional dependence of seismic waves also known seismic anisotropy in the crust and mantle along this nascent shear deformation zone works, we can learn a lot about the kinematics of past and present tectonic events. Research Assistant Derya Keleş, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuna Eken, and Prof. Dr. Tuncay Taymaz from the Department of Geophysical Engineering could map seismic anisotropy variation in an area covering northwest segment of the NAFZ.   

Book Launch and Symposium titled “Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles”


Members of Mineral Processing Engineering Department participated in a book launch and symposium titled “Lithium Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles” that was organized by Automotive Technologies Platform (OTEP).

Other News from Our Academicians

Our faculty members actively participated in various scientific events, projects and awarded research grants in 2024.
Stable Physics-Related Earthquake Magnitude Estimates For Marmara Sea Earthquakes


Reliable estimates of the moment magnitude of earthquakes as representative of the earthquake source energy are vital for an understanding of seismic hazard in regions prone to tectonic activity.

To address this demand, our researchers Berkan Özkan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuna Eken and Prof. Dr. Tuncay Taymaz have tested a method involving coda wave modelling moment magnitudes estimates of earthquakes in the Sea of Marmara, northwestern Türkiye. 


Concentration of Different Iron Ores


Within the framework of Industry – Academy collaboration, Prof. Dr. Murat Olgaç Kangal, Prof. Dr. Alim Gül, research assistants Zeynep Üçerler, and Oğuzhan Mert Gürkan from the Department of Mineral Processing Engineering and Allmineral Aufbereitungstechnik GMBH & CO. KG A2O Mineral Technologies Industry and Trade Limited Company has been conducting various tests on iron concentration

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