İTÜ Araştırma Dekanlığı E-Bülten 2021                                                                                                              
First Joint Call for EELISA Communities – 300,000 € to Boost Mobility, Networking and Visibility

EELISA is delighted to share the first joint call targeting EELISA Communities and transnational activities offered by EELISA Communities – a call open to university educators, researchers, students, and staff from all EELISA institutions and disciplines, with a preferred relation to innovation, technical solutions, and an engineering mindset.
Knowledge Bites #11: The EELISA Community Platform

The EELISA Community platform offers a home to all 34 EELISA Communities and a window to their activities. The aim of this EELISA knowledge bite is to inform community coordinators, members and other interested users on how to use the EELISA Community platform. WHEN: 24th of June 2022 @ 12:00 pm (CEST) | WHERE: Online (Zoom)
Workshop: Data Science for Smart & Sustainable Industries

Data sciences are becoming a corner stone of industry business models and operations. However, the fast evolutions of methods as well as the increasing quantities of data produced raises the need of urgent skills within companies. The workshop is based on roundtables between academics and practitioners that will share their experiences to define learning outcomes and innovative pedagogies that can lead to new EELISA courses. WHEN: 29th of June 2022 @ 09:00 am (CEST) | WHERE: On-site (ENPC). For those who cannot attend, the event will be streamed online.
Workshop: Teaching Sustainable Development

The workshop is organized around two objectives: (i) Fostering a common understanding among EELISA members, of the skills needed among engineers for supporting sustainable development, as traduced in existing competence frameworks; (ii) Sharing and disseminating successful experiences, which can be replicated among EELISA network members. WHEN: 28th of June 2022 @ 09:00 am (CEST) | WHERE: On-site (ENPC). For those who cannot attend, the event will be streamed online.
Workshop: Digital Philology

The main objective of the workshop is to foster a multidisciplinary approach towards the study of the European textual tradition and manuscript heritage. Our mission is to promote a new generation of professionals aware of the complexity and challenges in this particular field of heritage science. WHEN: 27th of June 2022 | WHERE: Online
Patent Search: Strategic Tools and Examples

On July 5, JoTTO (Joint Technology Transfer Office) is organizing the seminar "Patent search: strategic tools and examples", an opportunity to deal with the patent state of the art. The seminar takes place at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. The seminar can also be followed in streaming upon registration and target audience is formed by researchers, students, fellows, technical and administrative staff, companies.
Innovation Talks by EELISA innoCORE

The first session of the "EELISA Innovation Talks" was held last week within the scope of BME Innovation Day. Panel members presented and discussed novel methods of co-creation in support of the European Green Deal. You can find the recording of the event from the link below.
BEE'NOME for Disaster Management

The design of the disaster management module of BEE'NOME has been prioritized due to the earthquake disaster. Directing ITU resources to the disaster areas in a targeted manner will be made easier if you choose the keywords and the role as a member of the platform.